Plan for suicide prevention among the Sámi people
The first plan for suicide prevention in Sápmi (the Sámi territories) is now completed. The plan contains eleven strategies focusing on improving mental health and preventing suicide in the Sámi population.

Work on the plan has been ongoing 2015 – 2017 and is based on scientific knowledge and dialogues with Sámi engaged in suicide prevention in Sápmi. The work is a result of a collaboration between SANKS and the Saami Council and has been conducted by psychologist and research fellow Jon Petter Stoor of SANKS.
Sami self-government
Despite the fact that Sámi are at greater risk of death by suicide than the majority populations of Sápmi, the states' plans for suicide prevention have thus far not included a special focus on the Sámi's vulnerability and needs. As an indigenous people, the Sámi people have a right to influence their own health services. With "Plan for suicide prevention among the Sami people in Norway, Sweden and Finland" Sámi themselves bring out their priorities for preventing suicide.
Plan for suicide prevention among the Sami people in Sápmi